Digital illteracy are... the people that don’t know do things in the computer, with the tecnoligia.
I are a bit digital illteracy, but... no, because I do many things, I do blogger and I do anothers things in the computer.
My opinion... I thing that... the tecnoligia are important, but only important not very important, bacause in the future some people used the tecnologia. But other peple no used the tecnoligia. Then, the tecnologia are important.
When I arrived to the class of 3ºESO classroom it was very different from 2ºESO, but when I spent some time in the class of 3ºESO I felt good in the classroom.
We have new teachers, my first impression of the teachers are that you are very nice, yours names are, Anna and Joan.
In the all the classroom are people new, but in my class no. I don’t spik whit that people but surely that are nice.Also 3º is good because Maria is the teaches of my class!!
Hello:My name is Rosa i'm 13 years old and in this web i will tell you things that happen to me this summer.My favourite film ir "ghost" because is very interesting and very nicer. I play volleyball and i do theatre.I am small my hair is long and dark, my eyes are brown.
first that I did it was: Me and Sara go to Gandia, me it passes it very well because Sara and me were all the time in the beach, we mounted in bicycle, we mointed in beach scooter, we go to the cinema, but when we go to the “Acuopolis” I’am very very happy!!!
We are in Gandia one week, no is very time, but we it passes it very very well!!!!
I went to a camping with: Sara, Rocío, Raquel and Sandra. I’am very very happy wiht all.
we do many activities: sport, things with the hands, games at night and swimming pool, my favorite game were the games at night becaure were very interesting and very amused, in the swimming pool also we passes very good, I knew much people and all were very nace.
When the camping is finihs there is a celebration but I could not go because I go tu Asturias.

Y go to asturias whit Mariola and pau we were in a small hause, the hause is very beautiful, in Asturias we do very activitis: we go to see a lakes in mountais, also in canoes and we lowered a river, it tires much lowering to me laughed because that very long. One dye, we go to see towns, the towns are very very small and very beautiful.
The tipic drink of Asturias are “sidra”, my parents drank cider and they let it prove,¡¡the sidra is good!!A day we went walking to the town of alongside, and half of stroll began to rain,¡¡ we finished all wet!!