Friday, April 20, 2007


The Sahara is a desert, in this desert live the saharauis, becausethe Moroccans were invaded Sahara, and they had to go to camp in the middle of the desert. Now there are living in a inhumans conditions, because there don’t have water, don’t have sufficient food for all, and don’t have a house in good conditions. In definitive, de saharauis haven’t nothing, for this reason, all the school, and more people outside the school put, one kilo of flour, one kilo of rice and one kilo of suggar. I hope that quick finihs this problem, but i think that the people don’t collaborate this is not possible.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


I like very much the pascua becure we don’t do nothing in one week, also in the school we go to the beach and we eat the “mona de pascua”. This year, when we go to de beach we played the last game of volley ball. There are many historys of the pascua and I don't know as is the true history. But all the historys say the same: taht is for the flowers, all is more green and because you can put one T-shirt. This one the history of the easter.